Adult Housing / Employment

One of our many goals at RiverValley is to help our clients become productive members in their community by working with our community partners to secure housing and employment.

For example, we provide supportive employment opportunities through our Careers First program by working with a network of nearly 50 local employers who are willing to hire adult clients with unique emotional or intellectual needs, as well as those in recovery.

We also use our case management system to provide specialized housing and residential settings for adults with disabilities, those overcoming addictions, and those with developmental needs.

View a list of our housing and employment services below. To learn more or to make an appointment, give us a call at 270-689-6879.

Supported Employment

For over twenty years, RiverValley has helped people diagnosed with disabilities find and keep steady employment thanks to our network.
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Strategic Partnerships

The focus of RiverValley’s strategic partnerships is to enable individuals with disabilities to live and be active in their community.
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