The Regional Prevention Center (RPC) serves coalitions and Kentucky Agency for Substance Abuse Policy (KY-ASAP) Boards in RiverValley Behavioral Health’s seven-county region to effectively address substance misuse prevention. We utilize the strategies of the Center For Substance Abuse Prevention and the Seven Strategies for Community Change from Community Anti-Drug Coalitions of America (CADCA).
Our Programs
The KY-Moms MATR Program helps expectant mothers across the Commonwealth who are at risk for using alcohol, tobacco, and other drugs, to reduce harm to their children from their substance use, during and after pregnancy.
We provide pregnant and postpartum females with intensive prevention education to aid in decision-making for a healthy baby. This helps ensure more babies and children across the state are getting a healthier start to life and the support they need to grow into future leaders – because healthy communities start with Mom!
Healthy Baby Workshops
We provide free workshops for pregnant and postpartum women. Participants must be located in Daviess, Hancock, Henderson, Ohio, Union, and Webster counties, and currently use, or are at risk of using, alcohol, tobacco, and other substances. Participants will receive free gifts for mom and baby!
Zero Tolerance Program
Our Zero Tolerance Program serves youth under the age of twenty-one (21) years of age who have incurred an alcohol violation with intensive prevention education.
Participants are referred by the court system and are screened to ensure they meet program criteria.
For more information about RPC programs, please email [email protected].
Community Training
RiverValley’s RPC works with community partners in our service area to effectively address substance misuse prevention through workshops, presentations, training, and other educational opportunities in the community. For more information about community training, please click here.
Regional Prevention Center Library
The Regional Prevention Center Library is located at RVBH@The Crowne (107 E 2nd Street, Owensboro, KY 42303). Books, journals, and DVDs are available for loan. There are also reference materials available for on-site public use. The Library also offers brochures and information from national databases to obtain the most current information regarding substance abuse topics in the region, state, and nation.
Youth Mental Health Art Contest
In May during Mental Health Awareness Month, RVBH invites K-College students to submit a visual art project to express the importance of mental health along with the theme “Be Kind to Your Mind.” Staff received a total of nearly 600 entries from students across our seven-county service area in 2023! For more information, click below.
The #NoMoreBoxes campaign launched in July 2022, aimed at breaking the stereotype that most teens participate in drug and alcohol use on a regular basis.
So often, blanket statements, broad-sweeping generalizations, or absolutes such as, “all youth are vaping,” are used when people talk about adolescents and teens in regard to substance use. However, we know, anecdotally and based on data, that those assumptions are just not true. The majority of youth choose to remain free from substance use.
The Kentucky Incentives for Prevention conducted a survey with students in grades 6, 8, 10 and 12 across the state during Fall, 2021. Data from the survey shows that the majority of students across all four grades in the RiverValley region (Daviess, Hancock, Henderson, McLean, Ohio, Union and Webster counties in Kentucky) reported not ever using a vape/e-cigarette, marijuana, or taking a prescription drug that was not specifically prescribed to them by a doctor. Additionally, the majority of students in grades 6, 8 and 10, reported having never used alcohol. Among 12th graders, 50% report having never used alcohol.
It is time we look at the positive side and promote the healthy activities and choices youth are truly making. Watch our #NoMoreBoxes campaign below.